Meet Nova!Designed to nurture that special relationship between parent and baby, Tutti Bambini Nova is the ultimate evolutionary highchair with multiple functions. Whether you?re looking for a rocker for baby, a highchair for weaning, or mini table with chair for playtime, Nova has it all in one clever system!This Nova highchair features 7 modes designed to grow with your child. Add on the Nova newborn Rocker to benefit from all 11 modes taking you from birth to 12 years approximately. 1. Newborn Rocker – only when used with the Nova Highchair (available separately) Need a little help to rock baby off to sleep? Whether you?re relaxing or even doing chores around the house, our rocker is here to help. Use Nova baby seat with detachable rockers directly on the floor to calm and soothe. Designed to evenly distribute weight and gently sway, this seat will keep baby occupied. This handy rocker stows away in 60 seconds making it perfect for travelling. 2. Newborn Highchair – only when used with the Nova Highchair (available separately) Bring baby to the table from birth and involve them in everyday family life by attaching the Nova Newborn Rocker to Nova Highchair. A great option for inquisitive little ones who like to know what?s going on, this option keeps baby at an accessible level and means that they can always see where you are and join in the fun! 3. Newborn Chair – only when used with the Nova Highchair (available separately) Involve baby in family play time by giving them their own low static chair. Perfect for playing with older siblings or gurgling away with mum and dad, simply unclip the leg extensions to encourage early interaction with the family. 4. Newborn Rocking Chair – only when used with the Nova Highchair (available separately) Rock baby during sofa time in a mid-way height position by adding the rockers onto the base of the shortened legs. Perfect for relaxing with the family or having downtime before naps, this rocker keeps baby at an accessible level, a
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