Techno XLR is a favourite among first-time parents. The largest most luxurious umbrella fold buggy in the world includes a new height adjustable single handle to further improve manoeuvrability. Compatible with a stylish full-size XLR Carrycot and now car seats, this buggy can transform into a travel system. Featuring a full recline 4-position seat with convenient one-handed adjustment, extendable leg rest, built-in Newborn Safety System?. Features: One-Hand Compact Umbrella Fold Lightweight Aircraft Grade Aluminium Chassis Ergonomically optimised handles Expandable Waterproof/UPF 50+ Hood and Built-In Sun Visor Height adjustable shoulder harness Lockable front swivel wheels Foot-Operated Linked Parking Brakes Oversized Shopping Basket Self-Service Replaceable Parts Available Dimensions: Weight: 6. 71kg
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