PACKAGE INCLUDES: Cybex CBX Leotie Lux Pushchair Cybex CBX Leotie Carrycot Cybex CBX Aton Carseat Cybex CBX Aton ISOFIX Base Cybex CBX Aton Adapters CBX Leotie Lux Pushchair & Carrycot: From birth, the Leotie Lux can be used with the included carrycot- the carrycot helps to ensure an optimal lie-flat position for your newborn. It can be folded compactly for transport or storage, but when it is being used it keeps your infant comfortable thanks to the soft foam mattress inside. A washable carrycot liner zips into place easily and an apron deflects wind, keeping your little one warm as they travel. The carrycot comes with its own canopy with a handle at the front for easy lifting. You can position the carrycot onto the frame of your Leotie Lux easily and click it off again as required. When your little one is old enough to sit upright unaided or weight 9kg (around 6 months), it’s time to switch to the seat unit. The seat can be turned to face you or the world- it’s your choice. It’s comfortable for your little one- the softly padded seat features a deep recess and an adjustable harness with shoulder and crotch padding. A luxurious leather bumper bar can open from either side, giving them something to grip onto as they ride, and the seat can be reclined to 3 positions if it’s time for a snooze. For your comfort, the handlebar can be adjusted for parents of any size. The same quality stitched leather is used for the handlebar as well as the bumper bar for an extra touch of class. An oversized canopy throws shade over your little one in warmer weather- this includes a hidden peek-a-boo window so that you can keep a close eye on your passenger without disturbing them. Underneath the seat unit is a large shopping basket which is perfect for taking whatever you need along for the journey, or, you know, your shopping! One thing that you might want to keep in there is the included raincover- this fits nicely over the seat or the carrycot and has ventilation so your little one
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